Who We Treat

For our younger patients; Doctors of Physical Therapy are skilled in return to sport training, acute injury rehab, sport performance training, strength/conditioning coaching, and personal training.

For our seasoned patients; We love treating those with heartfelt goals such as playing with the kids/grandkids with less pain or just being able to walk 18 holes again. Whatever may be slowing you down, we have the skills to help.

How We Treat

For starters, all of our treatments are founded in research. We employ a mixture of education, exercise, and manual therapy (massage, joint mobilizations). At a typical PT session, you can expect your therapist to discuss your diagnosis, provide education concerning that diagnosis, take you through a workout tailored to your needs, and to work on your area of concern with their hands/massage tools.

What We Treat

Doctors of Physical Therapy are skilled providers for all musculoskeletal pain (muscle/joint/bone/tendon), strength/conditioning coaching, personal training, functional training (walking, transfers to/from ground), balance deficits, whiplash, headaches and vertigo. If you have a problem with your body and it doesn't feel like your guts or a cold, we can treat you. And if for some reason we don't feel confident in treating your condition, we will find the right provider for you.

Our Transparent Pricing

Totals for all of our session options


PT Initial Assessment

1 hour; $150

PT Follow Up Session

1 hour, $130

Manual Therapy Session (Massage/Joint Mobilization)

20 min; $50

Personal Training

1 hour; $120


Ask about Military Discounts, Package Pricing, or Gym Member discounts during your first visit!

Auto Accident Claims

We will bill the at-fault party Insurance for your visits!

Medicare Eligibility

If you are a Medicare recipient, you are not eligible for cash physical therapy services, but you may qualify for personal training! Reach out today to find out if you qualify.

Harbor Performance and Rehab

2619 Jahn Ave NW Building G,
Gig Harbor, WA



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